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Swedish Massage

Relax with a full body or focus area massage that uses traditional Swedish techniques to release muscle tension and improve mobility. Customize your own session by filling out a form that specifies how long you want spent on certain areas of your body.

60 minute session $70

90 minute Session $100


CranioSacral $80

This wonderful, gentle touch modality will release tensions deep in the body to improve whole-body health and performance. 


Reflexology $50

Did you know that your feet contain energy pathways to other parts of your body? This 30 minute session will focus on areas of the feet that correlate to different areas of the body to help promote respiratory function, digestion function, heart function and so much more. 


Chakra Balance $30

If you have a little time in your day this session is perfect for you. This session takes about 20 minutes and helps promote balance and good energy systems throughout your body.

Add to any service for $20


Peppermint Scalp Massage $20

This rejuvenating session gives you a taste of Craniosacral Therapy with the wonderful properties of peppermint essential oil. Peppermint essential oil has a cool tingling effect on the skin that invigorates the mind and senses and inspires a sense of peace and positivity. 

Add to any service for $10


Foot Spa $25

Pamper your feet with this relaxing foot bath and massage. Choose an Essential oil to infuse in the water and choose between a salt or sugar scrub to leave your feet feeling soft and renewed.

Add to any service for $15

Add Paraffin Wax Treatment for $10


Paraffin Wax Treatment

Choose this treatment for either your hands or feet. This wonderful wax treatment will leave your hands and feet so soft you will want to do it all over again. 

Hands $15

Feet $20

Both $30

Add hands to any service $10

Add feet to any service $15

Add both to any service $20

Add a Sugar or Salt scrub to this treatment for $5

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